
Take Care: You Reap What You Sow - Caring For The Scalp

By . - Wednesday, April 02, 2014

You reap what you sow, and if this is completely true, then I hope you are sowing on fertile ground. What am I talking about? Your scalp of course! A healthy scalp is the origins of healthy hair journey and it's extremely important for optimal hair growth.

Define A Healthy Scalp

A healthy scalp is a clean and stimulated scalp. Skin that  is toned, pliable and stimulated much like the skin on your face is also a indication of a healthy scalp. 
  • A toned and flexible scalp indicates a healthy arrangement of connective tissue and nourishing blood vessels.
  • A pliable scalp skin allows for better circulation to the hair follicles. 

How Do I Maintain A Healthy Scalp?

Maintain A Balanced Diet

Did you know that your hair and nails are the last parts of your body to receive nourishment? Once the major organs of the body such as the brain, heart and kidney have received their nutrition, then and only then is the hair given some love. So maintaining a healthy well balanced diet is imperative for a healthy scalp since the hair will be leaving the follicles. The follicle supplies your hair with all of the nutrients available from the left over storage in your blood stream. Once your hair leaves the follicle, it is no longer living, and no longer continues to receive any benefit from a late change to a healthy diet. Without the continued nourishment from the follicle and scalp, the hair is on its own at this point. If your diet is lacking in one or two areas, consider adding supplements such as biotin, msm and a b-complex.

Avoid Extreme Heat

The heat from blow dryers and even hooded dryers can deplete the moisture from the scalp and hair. Proper use of the blow dryer is key to avoiding major damage. Be sure to point the blow dryers heat down the hair shaft and not directly towards the scalp. This technique will avoid the roughing of the hair cuticle. 

Keep Products Gentle

Avoid shampoos with ammonium and sodium lauryl sulfate for your weekly shampooing session. Sulfate and paraben free shampoos get the hair very clean without stripping and irritating the scalp. Clarifying shampoos should be reserved to once to twice a month at the very most, and they should always be followed by a moisturizing conditioner. If you are a swimmer, all traces of chlorine should be removed from the scalp and hair with a chelating shampoo. Those who work out and sweat heavily should take care to rinse their scalps with warm water to remove all drying salts from the sweat. Co-washing conditioners and deep conditioners should be rinsed thoroughly from the scalp. They can cause irritation and itchiness, and little bits of dried up conditioner on the hair is plain unsightly.

How do you care for your scalp? Let me know in the comment section below.

Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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